About Us

Our Contribution to Sports and Athletics Culture


to Aiolos Football Academy

Aiolos Football Academy was founded in the year 2000 and ever since it operates based on a philosophy of hard work, character shaping, fair play indoctrination and sports culture. All these features have enabled the Academy to develop its great potential, to receive many awards in all the tournaments it has participated, and many of its athletes have proceeded to pursue successful careers in national category teams and local leagues of the island of Evia.

Aiolos 2000 Academy is currently associated with one of the best teams in the Greek Premier League, Panathinaikos. As part of this cooperation the Academy’s teams participate in numerous Tournaments, organized by Panathinaikos, hold joint training sessions, and many of our players are tested out for Panathinaikos’ Academy, or even its basic team, where an alumnus of ours is currently playing.


At present we are in the process of restructuring, scaling up and broadening our scope of activities by linking the Academy with a prominent English team, aiming to acquire its badge for our Academy and to pursue a mutually beneficial partnership.



For 17 years, we build athletes



Fair Play Credo



Motivation to strive for the best



Modern Training Methods

The Academy

Our technical base and facilities

Aiolos Football Academy is located on the island of Evia in Central Greece, a mere 100 miles from the nearest Premier League team. It has the use of two fields. The first one, with dimensions 40×50 m., is situated on a beautiful, tree grown site, owned by the Academy; training of the younger players takes place there. The second one, with dimensions 60×95 m., belongs to the community; there older players have practice and play matches. Both pitches have plastic grass cover.  Also, both fields are in an enclosed area, so children are absolutely safe during their practice and matches. At our training facilities there are fully equipped changing rooms with showers and toilet facilities, as well as a tea room, where parents can sit and watch their kids train and play while they enjoy a wide range of snacks, cold beverages, tea and coffee, both indoors and outdoors. Parking is not a problem, with our spacious parking lot for 30 cars, while our adjoining tennis court gives even more recreational opportunities to parents and visitors.



17 Χρόνια χτίζουμε το μέλλον και δημιουργούμε αθλητές

Our Team

Our Coaches And Children

Currently more than 100 children train at our Academy, divided in six teams, aged respectively 5-6 years old, 7-8 years old, 9-10 years old, 11-12 years old, 13-14 years old and the young adults’ team with boys aged between 15 and 18. Each and every team has three training sessions per week, plus a game that is played with rival teams on the weekends.


Vangelis Dovolis

Head of The Academy

E: info(@)aiolos2000.com
T: +30 6976550593

Head of the Academy is graduate (UEFA A) football coach Vangelis Dovolis (52), who has himself excelled as a player for many years. Among his achievements is a rich coaching career and impeccable record, including many successes with the Sports Club of Kimi, with which he participated in the Championship of the Third National Division and where he passionately fought for the elevation to the Second National Division. His team was unbeaten for 29 games, having received not a single goal for 18 games during the years 2013-2014. He then went on to win the Evia Championship Cup with Tamynaikos, reaching the finals of the group in Greece’s Amateur Championship, eliminating in the process three other teams of the Fourth National Division.


Vangelis Gikas

Chif Assisting Coach

Chief Assisting Coach since 2002 is Vangelis Gikas (37), a Sports Academy Graduate with specialization in football, and a post-graduate Degree in Sports Management from the University of Novi Sad in Serbia. He holds an UEFA A coaching license. He was a professional player in the Fourth National Division of Greece with the teams of Tamynaikos, Orpheus Xanthi, Orpheus Komotini. He was also a head of his district’s team, receiving many awards as best scorer. For the last 12 years he’s been teaching PE at local schools as well.


Charalampos Georgiou

Assisting Coach

E: georgiou(@)aiolos2000.com

Assisting Coach since 2013 is Haralambos Georgiou (38), a graduate from National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Sports and Physical Education. He holds an UEFA B coaching license.



Panagiotis Kontogiannis

Goalkeepers Coach

Goalkeeper Coach is Panaiotis Kontogiannis (47), who joined the Academy in 2016. Coaching License UEFA B, UEFA C. He has played professionally at various teams in the first E.P.S.E. Division. Since 2007 he’s been a goalkeeper coach at numerous teams in E.P.S.E and Greece’ Third. He’s also attended many coaching seminars and conferences.

Latest News from Our Academy

Νίκη για τον Αίολο στο Δημ. Γήπεδο Αγ. Ιωάννη

Νίκη για τον Αίολο Κριεζών στα πλαίσια της 6η αγωνιστικής του πρωταθλήματος υποδομών Κ 14 (Τζανής Κων/νος) Στο Δημ. Γήπεδο του Αγ. Ιωάννη επικράτησε του Ατρομήτου Αλιβερίου/ΑΟ Αυλωναρίου με 4-3.   Στο 1′ ο Νικολής άνοιξε το σκορ για τον Ατρόμητο/Αυλωνάρι 0-1 Στο 29′ ο Αίολος ισοφάρισε με γκολ που σημείωσε ο Τσαλιαγκός 1-1 .…

ΑΟ Κονιστρών/ΑΟ Σκύρου – Αίολος Κριεζών Κ 14 – 5-3

Ήττα για την Ακαδημία Αίολος Κ 14 στο Δημοτικό γήπεδο Βρύσης για το πρωτάθλημα υποδομών. Ηττήθηκε με 5-3 από τις Κονίστρες/Σκύρο. Καλή η εμφάνιση της Ακαδημίας και ήττα στις λεπτομέρειες για τους μικρούς του Βαγγ. Ντόβολη που έπαιξαν εξαιρετικά .   Το σκορ άνοιξε στο 14′ ο Στάμου για τις Κονίστρες/Σκύρο 1-0 Στο 19′ και…

Κ 14 Αίολος Κριεζών Ν. Στύρα – 6-0

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Αίολος κριεζών – ΑΟ Καρύστου 6-1

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Ατλαντας Κύμης – Αίολος Κριεζών 0-7

Μς ε 7 γκολ φιλοδώρησε ο Αίολος τον Ατλαντα Κύμης στο Γήπεδο Μονοδρίου.   Ο Αίολος άνοιξε το σκορ στο 20′ με γκολ που σημείωσε ο Κωνσταντίνου 0-1. Στο 24′ ο Τσαλιαγκός πέτυχε το 0-2 Στο 29′ ο Καδδίτης σημείωσε το 0-3. 37′ ο Καραμπουλης ανέβασετο σκρ στο 0-4. Στο 41′ Και πάλι ο Καραμπουλης…

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+30697 655 0593





